Meet our Billets

We will be letting you know over the year about our great billet families and the amazing homes they provide to our players: Here is our first one!


The Martins

We are Dale, Ashley, Chase and Ryder Martin. We have been a Kodiak Billet family for 3 years and are
going into our 4th season. We have had two billets in our home, Lynden Grandberg and Sam Callahan.
We first decided to billet for our boys – they love hockey and idolize the Kodiaks! We quickly realized it
was so much more than the game of hockey. The bonds and memories we have already made in our 3
short years are unforgettable. Lynden and Sam have become members of our family! Movie nights,
wrestling matches, hockey chats, endless mini sticks, family dinners, attending hockey practices and
games, meeting other players and their families, and our boys helping the trainers on the bench are just
a few of our highlights.
I (Ashley) am a second generation Kodiak billet, as my family was a Kodiak billet family when I was
growing up. In 1998 my dad came home to tell us that the Kodiaks were looking for an immediate home
for a player – the only catch was my brother and I had to give up our playroom. We ran downstairs and
started packing our toys right away! The very next day we welcomed our first billet Eric Lodge into our
family! Even though I was the sister and not a hockey player, each one of my billet brothers included me
in playing video games, letting me pick a “chick flick”, they attended our school concerts, and even sat
through my skating competitions! We billeted 7 players in 12 years – Those 12 years brought many
memories, an RBC Cup win, and a bunch of strangers who became family!
We were excited to start our own billeting experience with our children. We are the Martin family and
we billet for the experiences, for our community and to keep Jr.A Hockey in Camrose!