25 Years

Here are some quick highlights of the Kodiaks 25th Season:

Golf Tournament: Sunday August 1st at 2pm

ID Camps: July 30,31 and August 1: August 6,7,8, and August 13,14,15

Conditioning camps: August 16-20 and 23-27

Main Camp: August 30th : Ray McIsaac Cup : Sept. 1st

Exhibition home dates: Sept. 4th (Sherwood Park), 8th(Spruce Grove) and 10th(Lloydminster)

Sept 17-18 Home opening back-to-back wknd vs OkotoksOilers

Oct 5: 1st game vs Blackfalds Bulldogs

Jan 20:   Hockey Hooky at Encana Arena

Feb 21:   Family Day game vs Olds Grizzlys  

Many more announcments will come in regards to all of our special events and special games! Hockey is back and just around the corner! 25 years of Kodiaks Hockey